Secrets for Beauty


Susan Sarandon Beauty Secrets
Categories: Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon Swimsuit

Susan Sarandon Beauty Secrets

Few women look as gorgeous as Susan Sarandon once they reach their late fifties and sixties. She still looks amazing and that is probably why Revlon Cosmetics used her in their extraordinary women campaign to market cosmetics to older women.

Susan Sarandon Plastic Surgery

Her looks have not been drastically altered by plastic surgery and she prides herself in aging gracefully. Her emphasis is on being healthy rather than being altered drastically by cosmetic plastic surgery produres and injections.

Susan Sarandon Diet

Sarandon went from being a vegetarian to allowing a bit of meat back into her diet just for variety. After menopause at 54, Sarandon noticed her waist getting thicker around the middle. To combat the thick waist she cut back on carbs. She is not fanatical about it or Atkins-esque, however she does try to eat whole grains over the white processed pasta and breads.

Sarandon laughs about how she passed her first colonoscopy exam at age fifty with flying colors. She eats her share of fruits and vegetables. She looks for foods that pack an antioxident powerhouse punch. Also, foods that are known to decrease cancer and hearth disease risks for women.

Susan Sarandon Exercise

She tries to exercise regularly but is no fanatic. She likes deep breathing, visualization of positive thoughts and imagery, and giving back to the community by volunteering. For exercise she prefers to walk on the treadmill or work with a personal trainer. With the trainer she usually plays exercise games with the ball or goes through the fitness machines. She also likes gentle pilates but not so much yoga.

Susan Sarandon Menopause

Sarandon avoided the menopause drugs altogether. She had mild symptons and after hearing that estrogen and progestin had stroke and breast cancer risks she decided to forego the popular menopause drugs.

After a breast cancer scare that turned out luckily to be a benign calcium deposit, she gets mammograms and breast checkups several times a year instead of the usual once a year.

Susan Sarandon Colon Cleansing

Sarandon likes it. She tried cholesterol lowering medication to lower a family inherited high cholesterol tendency. After going off it, she got into the whole colon cleansing trend and tried Psylium. Psylium is actually a fiber seen in laxatives and some say it lowers cholesterol. Colon cleansing she admits is not scientifically supported as beneficial. It’s alternative medicine but she does do it.

Susan Sarandon Vitamins

In a medicine net WebMD interview, Sarandon says she takes Co-Q10 vitamins which is a popular antioxident tauted as good for the brain and the heart. She also takes vitamin C, a calcium supplment for her bones, and emu oil for knee arthritis.

Sarandon also takes and recommends a green powder supplment. The green powders can be found at health food stores and include organic vegetables ground up, such as parsnips, turnips, wheat grass, kale, parsley, flaxseed and broccoli.

1 Comment to “Susan Sarandon Beauty Secrets”

  1. Prancen says:

    Great! I admired her from all aspects, personal and being an artist! a versatile on! I love her!

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